Chafe PRoof Pouch

 Art Direction |  Email Design  |  Photography

Chafe Proof underwear takes support to another level with zero-adjustments needed. For this launch, my role was a blend of Art Director and designer. I helped drive the creative direction and momentum behind this product launch, researching competitive brands and developing inspiration for photoshoots and other marketing materials. From initial exploration and providing direction at photo shoots to consumer-facing marketing such as product informational emails, I was heavily involved in bringing this product to life and telling the story of taking better care of your pair with Chafe Proof Pouch.

Photography Inspiration

In the visual development phase, we wanted to set this product apart from other collections, focusing more on the younger consumer that lives his day on the go and needs an everyday easy solution to chafe. Through various props such as a guitar out in the open, masculine decorations and workout equipment in the room, we wanted to subtly have that hint to the bachelor, loft lifestyle. We also wanted to convey the "real life" application with the model through capturing everyday tasks through sipping coffee on the counter, working out and examining the product to visually show how it works throughout your day.

Photography Art Direction

Throughout the photoshoot, I was tasked with directing the photography team to help translate our inspiration into photography that both matches our current branding and tells the unique Chafe Proof story. From model pose direction and prop decisions to making changes on the fly based on environment and circumstances, I played an integral component to the development of the photography below. A major component of the success of this centered around the preparedness and direction previously established to allow for more time to experiment once the critical shots were captured.

A lineup of Explorium cans
A lineup of Explorium cans
A lineup of Explorium cans
A lineup of Explorium cans

Email Design

A lineup of Explorium cans